17 jan
Robert Havelaar

Life changing experience!

It is a year just now spent with RWIJK GYM and what I can say is that I couldn't wish myself for better. I was coming from a very complicated (personal) situation and when I started searching for a more structured lifestyle support, I found RWIJK GYM almost by chance!

RWIJK GYM makes it really personal!
I experienced a program based on Personal training, Personal group training, and a customized nutritional plan suitable for me. It was not 'just' a matter of exercising and dieting, it really got personal! I was emotionally supported, pushed beyond my physical and mental limits and I can never thank enough all the trainers that contributed to achieving that.

What is special about RWIJK GYM?
The full availability and constant effort that all the personal trainers make to be ALWAYS there for you, you feel part of a big family. They helped me to change myself entirely, lose weight, challenge my limits, shape my body and become a stronger person.

I will never thank you enough first Robert, as a super trainer and for is fighting for us during these hard times to make sure we get our trainings no matter what. Thanks to Maarten, my first PT and great supporter in my journey. Thanks to Ezgi, a strong girl and amazing trainer. And finally, Chafik, who is my current PT trainer, amazing professional trainer, with who I am sure I will achieve my new personal goal this coming year. Many other great trainers are also available.

My question to who is reading this, what are YOU waiting for?

Valentina Spuij Ricci

Wil jij ook weer fit en sterk worden?

Ja! Stuur mij alle (start-)info over de Gratis Experience Training

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