Recept van de maand juli is “Eiwitrijke zomerse salade”
20 jul
Robert Havelaar


100 g smoked salmon
200 g Hüttenkäse
2 pieces (40 g) of spring onions
¼ (50 g) cucumber
handful (35 to 50 g) lamb's lettuce
1 tsp. (5 g) pine nuts
1 tbsp. (10 g) red parika sweet and sour
salt and pepper to taste

Preparation method:

1. Cut the salmon into small pieces and the cucumber into cubes.
2. Mix this together with the Hüttenkäse in a bowl.
3. Place a handful of washed lamb's lettuce on a plate.
4. Place the Hüttenkäse mixture here.
5. Briefly roast the spring onion together with the pine nuts.
5. Garnish the salad with the spring onion, pine nuts and bell pepper. Possibly. also delicious with a piece of pumpkin bread.

Per serving of 365 grams
Kilocalories: 312 kcal
Carbohydrates: 75 g
Proteins: 28 g
Fat: 18 g

NOTE! To make it easy to log this dish in your Body Style food diary, we have also included it in the food app under "my meals"

Enjoy your meal!

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