20 nov
Robert Havelaar

An easy and quick to prepare lunch dish that is also very filling so that you are full all afternoon and can perform well. This delicious savory dish is on the table in less than 10 minutes, so you don't have to stand in the kitchen for a long time. Because many of us in this day and age working from home are fun to try out. I'm curious what you think!

Necessities dish for 1 person


- 2 eggs (50 grams each)
- dash of milk (40 ml)
- pepper and salt
- 2 large (150 grams each) fresh tomatoes cut into cubes
- half onion (+/- 25 grams), chopped
- possibly. for some extra bite 1 clove of garlic, pepper, chives
- teaspoon (5 ml) of oil for frying

Preparation method:

Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion (and possibly the clove of garlic and pepper)
Add the tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes are soft.
Beat the eggs with the milk and add a little salt and pepper.
Add this to tomato paste and keep stirring the eggs as with scrambled eggs.
(if you like it) sprinkle some chives on top


Delicious on a toasted sandwich 🙂

Per person per meal:

- Total kilocalories: 296 kcal
- Carbohydrates: 15 g = 20 EN%
- Proteins: 15 g = 20 EN%
- Fat: 19 g = 58 EN%


* without the sandwich

NOTE! Don't forget to log this dish in your food diary to see what this does to your macronutrients in our Body Style nutrition app.

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