21 mrt
Robert Havelaar

For many people it is a big question how others do it, especially now in this time with all the corona measures.

How do you combine sports with a busy life. Besides having a job or study, a relationship, children that you have to teach at home is a positive ray of hope now, your social life has been on the back burner for quite some time, so that saves time; Our calendars are often cluttered with things we all need to do already. And then I constantly hear that you have to exercise because that is so important that you continue or will do it !!! But where do I get the time for this? I can well imagine that you now think you have easy talking, this is impossible for me to do now, but I know that it will require some sorting from you, and requires discipline in the beginning, but this will be double and cross. are going to pay back. Perhaps it is difficult to imagine now because you think that exercising makes you tired. But it will give you more energy and you will feel fitter. This is always important, but now I think just a little more than before because it has turned out that after 1 year of corona we have all started to move less and sit more. Exercise also works very well for your mindset by exercising you will not only feel better physically (and look) but also mentally! But how do you do that, combine sports with our busy lives during the corona pandemic? Below we will give you 4 very practical tips that (if you apply them) will really give you the desired result.

1. Provide fun and efficient workouts

You really don't have to exercise for hours every day to get fitter and stronger. According to the exercise standard, in addition to 150 exercise minutes (walking, cycling, etc.), an extra cardio and / or strength training 3 times a week is important. In fact, if you provide an efficient, well-structured workout, you could be ready in 45 minutes. We at RWIJK GYM advise our new members to participate in one of our training courses at least twice a week. We know that they will notice a real difference after 6 to 8 weeks of exercise with us.
To do assignment: provide a schedule with a number of exercises that you use to train your entire body. You can then use this schedule 2 to 3 times a week. That way you make it a bit easier for yourself.

2. Plan your training sessions in advance in the calendar

With everything that comes our way now (job, teaching the kids themselves, taking care of parents, etc.) it is not convenient to leave your training to chance. There are always those unexpected delays that mess up your schedule, teacher is sick so the kids can't go to school, overrun zoom meeting, or all phone calls and before you know it you haven't been able to do your planned training, or run out of energy to start a workout. Plan your workouts at times that are most convenient for you, and more importantly, block these times in your calendar!
To do assignment: look at which times you can exercise best this week, and block these times in your agenda.

3. Train with someone else

It can be a good incentive to exercise with someone. It has turned out that you are less likely to cancel, it is more fun and you can immediately catch up with that one friend. We at RWIJK GYM always book our training sessions with members in advance. That way our members know on which days they will come and exercise and when they can plan other things. This ensures continuity in their sports, which is important if you want to achieve result (s).

4. Exercise more during the day

Every little bit helps. So take your feet or bicycle more often instead of the car, do not stay behind your computer during your lunch break, but go for a walk, walk to the park more often. And if you still go to work during this time, instead of emailing your colleague, visit him or her in the department (please note that you must keep to the minimum distance of 1.5 meters). Get your coffee or tea on another floor, etc. Perhaps there are other colleagues at work who can also make you enthusiastic to participate and so you can help and motivate each other a little. Organize, for example, a weekly step challenge and share it daily in a Whatsapp group. The winner is then put in the limelight by the other participants at the beginning of each week. I'm creative and I think you can come up with fun activities that will help you get more exercise every day.
With all the applicable measures regarding corona, it is now even more difficult to fit sports into your life, always look at what can / is going, I think possibilities and not limitations, this is important if you want this to succeed. And especially look at what suits you as a person and with your lifestyle. This will make it easier to maintain and more likely to become a new habit.
Think you can use help with this? Sign up here for an intake interview and try-out training with us: https://www.rwijkgym.nl/gratis-experience/ We will then work with you to create a sports program for you, which will ensure that you busy people can still exercise 2 to 3 times a week.

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